1. ‘I approach 2020 with trepidation, but something has shifted. The next decade could be exponentia

With Greta Thunberg named Time’s person of the year, the latest societal pressure wave may be peaking. Now the going for sustainable business gets really interesting, says John Elkington
The emerging fault lines between old and new-order thinking became starkly obvious to us early in 2019, when we threw our weight behind the Extinction Rebellion protests. The CEO of a key client company emailed me wanting to know how I “dared” become an activist, how I dared become “political”.
Put aside the fact that I have been a lifelong activist in service of a radically different future and this outrage expressed by an intelligent business leader spotlights the growing clash between different priority sets, different senses of urgency and, albeit not in this case, different senses of the ultimate direction of travel.