Happiness@Work Manifesto
Marco Venturelli10 January 2021

- Studies show that happiness at work may be the most important success factor for a modern workplace and that happy companies make more money!
- Happiness at work is one of the 3 most important sources of happiness in life.
- Happiness at work is the best antidote to stress. Stress doesn’t necessarily come from working too much but from feeling bad while you work.
- Increasing employee happiness dramatically reduces absenteeism and employee turnover.
- In all the world, only the Scandinavian languages have a widely used word for happiness at work. In Danish the word is arbejdsglaede.
- Your happiness at work is your responsibility. Not your boss’s, not your co-workers’ and not society’s. Yours.
- Your boss and your workplace are responsible for creating a setting and culture where it’s easy to be happy at work.
- Happiness at work doesn’t only come from the organization’s policies, strategies, plans or values. It comes from the things that you and I do here and now.
- Happiness at work doesn’t come from raises, bonuses or perks. It comes from two things: Results and Relationships, ie. doing great work together with great people.
- Happiness at work doesn’t just happen. It takes a focused, long-term effort from management and employees together.